And then he grinned “So that’s all right.”

The really dangerous people believe that they are doing whatever they are doing solely and only because it is without question the right thing to do. “There’s never been a true war that wasn’t thought between two sets of people who were certain they were in the right. In spite of his past and what we learn about his motives. I also like the portrayal of Wednesday – he was almost a sympathetic character, in spite of himself.

“Call no man happy until he is dead” is a saying of Shadow’s borrowed from Herodotus. He likes to practice his coin tricks to entertain children. The way his thoughts were portrayed reminded me of Hemingway: simple, short sentences dominate in Shadow’s head. Among all this chaos is Shadow, a former prisoner, struggling to recover from the loss of his wife, Laura. The old gods are determined not to give up without a fight. Instead, people are worshipping the newly found gods of the modern world. But they are growing weaker – not many people know who they are anymore. And, as gods are created thanks to the force of human faith, human-made gods are still living in America. The concept is that as immigrants came along to America, they brought their beliefs with them. “That’s not how it’s supposed to be!” I would have said with a frown. I treated my mythologies very seriously, and the slightest deviation from the versions I knew sent me into a spin. If I had started reading this book as a teenager, I suspect I would have hated it. I kept turning the pages, enthralled pondering which god was which, and which myths would come into play. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Neil Gaiman’s epic American road trip, full of Norse gods and tricksters.